Tuesday, December 11, 2012

I'm the worst blogger ever :C

So, as is to be expected, I completely neglected this blog for a few months! Sorry, non-existant readers! Life has been good to me; Chris and I moved into a splendid rent house and I've got my own "office" now (also known as the room of no return). I promise to document my latest crafty-crap endeavors and post them here, but for now you can check out my foray into the world of webcomics:

Saturday, August 25, 2012

No One Is Too Old For Fairytales!

So I had this teeny tiny art kit from when I was in middle school (ancient!) and I figured I'd give the watercolors a try. Not the best, but not the worst! I kind of like it. 
And that mug is a thrift store find that I fell in love with in the oddest way.
 I used to speak German and the color choice is very seventies - I adore it!

Tuesday, August 14, 2012


I suppose I should probably introduce myself.
My name is Brandi, but you can call me Bee. I crochet! I paint! I play video games! I doodle on anything my pen will mark! I sew!
Most importantly, I am a gigantic nerdy nerd girl who dabbles in lots of things.
I live with my boyfriend and our three dogs and two rats in a tiny little apartment. It's little, and things get crazy sometimes, but it's home! When I'm not geeking out, I work (entirely too much) the graveyard shift in telecommunications and sometimes when I'm not working, I hang out with my friends.
This little blog is a (reboot of a failed attempt at) an account of my adventures and sometimes, crafty little tidbits I have to share with the world.

Thanks for reading, and I hope you stick around!
Interesting things are coming this way...